TurboSecretary >>> TurboSeretary Demonstrations
*** NOTE *** Since all browsers have stopped supporting Flash plugin, we have to converse our demonstrations from their original Flash format to mp4 format. The resulting videos lost a great deal in resolutions. Though it is kind of diffiuclt to follow, we believe they are still helpful in terms of giving you a basic understanding of TurboSecretary.
Please note that these demonstrations were produced based on an older version of TurboSecretary. However, users will find the general operations largely the same in the latest version.
The email address of "clientmail@kasinbs.com" shown on the bottom of all the demonstrations has been retired. Please call us for further information.
- Set Up User Accounts
- Set Up Presentor Profile
- Incorporation of Hong Kong Limited By Shares Company (Custom-Made)
- (Demo_SRec_001): Print Register of Directors
- (Demo_SRec_002): Print Register of Secretaries
- (Demo_SRec_003):
Issue Share Certificate, Print Share Certificate and Print Register of Share Certificate
- (Demo_SRec_004): Print Register of Shareholders
- (Demo_GenSec_001): Appoint Director
- (Demo_GenSec_002): Appointment and Resignation of Company Secretary
- (Demo_GenSec_003): Change of Registered Office Address and Location of Registers
- (Demo_Mem_001): Share Transfer