TurboSecretary >>> TurboSecretary Version Log
*** Note: this log covers changes of TurboSecretary from Version 2100 (sv003) and after, not before. ***
Version --- {Release Date: 17 Feb 2025} ( Download )
- Remove outdated routine checkings during application start-up
- update director/secretary resignation letter, acceptance-to-act-as-secretary letter, special resolution for change of company name for HK companies in accordance with the UBI (Unique Business Identifier) requirement
- Job Monitors and related functions are discontinued
- Fix Annual Return List (Local HK companies) / Annual Return List (Part 16 companies) to handle incorporation/registration date of 29 Feb
- Amend annaul return, AGM minutes to support companies with incorporation date of 29 February
- Amend wizards of setting up existing companies to support companies with incorporation date of 29 February
- Update IRD Form i.r.1263 to version 12/2023
- Fix bug in showing director/secretary details that occur during the formation of companies via using shelf companies
Version --- {Release Date: 15 May 2024} ( Download )
- Problem fixed: Business registration number not shown in page 5 or 6 when the pages are not applicable.
- In NAR1, format shareholding numbers so that unwanted decimal is not shown.
- Add business registration number to reports of annual return lists.
- Add business registration number to report of address role query.
- Speed up the login process.
- In the custom made Hong Kong company wizard, expand the business nature field.
- Problem fixed: printing of fact sheet of custom made Hong Kong company crashed when no email or phone number is provided.
Version --- {Release Date: 21 January 2024} ( Download )
- Per the implementation of Phase 2 of Unique Business Identifier: following CR forms have been updated to spcefication no. 1/2023: NR2, ND5, ND8, ND7, NDR1, NN2, NN8, NN8C, NNC2, NN3, NN6, NN7, NN10, NN13
- Fix the Chinese address bug in the Address Editor
- Add address change log
- Enhance info error handling for all CR Forms
- expand field width for TCSP licence exemption reasons
- incorporate UBI requirements into statutory registers
- incorporate UBI requirements into the incorporation (shelf company) wizard of Hong Kong companies
Version --- {Release Date: 27 December 2023} ( Download )
- Per the implementation of Phase 2 of Unique Business Identifier: following CR forms have been updated to spcefication no. 1/2023: NAR1, ND2A, ND2B, ND4, NN1, NN9, NNC1, NNC1G, NNC3, NR1, NSC1
- Address editor is enhanced to support CR's address format
- TCSP licence information is added to profiles of limited companies and natural person
- Business nature information is added to profiles of limited companies
- incorporate UBI requirements into the incorporation (custom made) wizard of Hong Kong companies
Version --- {Release Date: 3 August 2023} ( Download )
- Companies Registry has another update of AOA (sample A). Many clauses in the new AOA allow for virtual meeting. The new AOA pdf files can be found at:
new version (English) |
new version (Chinese)
- Fix IRD Form Issues: deprecated contents are still printed.
- Fix issue of HK ID input
- Fix issue of messed-up Chinese text of additional matters in SCR.
Version --- {Release Date: 24 May 2023} ( Download )
- Update all IRD forms to latest version
- Use the updated version of AOA (sample A) of Companies Registry. The changes are in Article 60 and Article 74(3) of the
new version (English) |
new version (Chinese)
- Support share holdings and share series of over 10 digits
- Fix overflow problem of ND2B-PI page
- Prevent effective date conflict in change of registered office address or change of location of registers tasks.
Version --- {Release Date: 17 October 2022} ( Download )
- Enhanced to support 17 revised CR forms
- Updated form IR1263 to: Specification No. 8/2020
- Updated form IRBR2 to: Specification No. 10/2013
Version --- {Release Date: 20 September 2021} ( Download )
- Allow users to opt out the printing of share series in (1) register of member (2) register of transfer (3) register of share certificates (4) share certificate
- Support phase 1 of the new inspection regime of the Companies Register under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622). For more information regarding the new inspection regime, click here.
- Enhance printing status dialog for printing of certain documents
- Add printing date on the left side of the footer of statutory registers
- In IRC3111A, use full name to print in Company Name / Business Name / Branch Name
- In the address post viewer, a new service address category is added
- Bug fix - NDR1 does not print non-HK Id when the applicant (either director or member) uses that as identity document
- Bug fix - Crash in the printing of register of significant controller or director confirmation on significant controller information when register of significant controller has not been set up or when using certain version of excel
- Bug fix - The share certificate setter crashes when saving changes if the share class prefix is cleared
- Bug fix - Cannot remove a company when it appears in other companies' reversed events
Version --- {Release Date: 16 July 2019} ( Download )
- In the document set for appointment/removal of regular/alternate directors, change wordings of "Special Resolution" to "Ordinary Resolution".
- In "Bought and Sold Note", use different template when share price is in total consideration mode.
- In First Director Minutes of a tailor made Hong Kong limited by shares company, modify the paragraph of "FOUNDER MEMBERS’ SUBSCRIBED SHARES" so that fournder members' share capital are broken down into 3 parts: Paid, Unpaid, Total
- One-off tasks that were not completed successfully due to data access problem can now be removed.
- For Hong Kong limited by shares company, supports a new task of "paying up unpaid share capital".
- The English AOA (the Sample-A version of Companies Registry) is updated in the first page (the CI copy page) due to the change of wordings in new Certificate of Incorporation issued by Companies Registry.
- Bug Fix - Printing of very small decimal number incorrectly.
- Bug Fix - total share capital in Chinese AOA (for Hong Kong limited by shares company) was displayed as : e.g. 港元50 instead of 50 港元
Version --- {Release Date: 26 May 2019} ( Download )
- Add filters on TCSP reports. User can now choose between including client label or excluding client label
- Add a people report. User can now select a set of people from the entity list to print their names and identification document number.
- Bug Fix: Annual Return (NAR1) may mess up in the printing of member holding information in Schedule 1 when a member's information spans across more than one page.
Version --- {Release Date: 29 April 2019} ( Download )
- Add preventive measures against unexpected network issues.
Version --- {Release Date: 16 April 2019} ( Download )
- In the dialog of Designated Representative setup, prevent user from entering non-HongKong address as all designated representatives are required to have Hong Kong address.
- In the dialog of Designated Representative setup, allow user to edit the extended profile of the currently selected entity.
- The dialog of Designated Representative setup can now pull in information of phone, fax and address from an entity's extended profile.
- The information of company number and place of incorporation are added to registers of member, director, secretary, charge, share transfer and share certificate.
- In the wizard of Share Certificate Register, add the support of share certificate number swapping.
- Add search function in Single Label Selector and Multiple Label Selector.
- Expand the limit of client group.
- Add a submenu of Client Labels under the menu of Clients for users' easy access to the maintenance dialog of Client Labels.
- Under the TCSP menu, add a report of TCSP specific information for selected set of companies.
- In the list of companies with TurboSecretary support, the list of address usage and the list of posts held by an entity, add support for users to add selected set of companies to a label.
- In the setup of an existing company, add measures to restore its states when any of the setup procedures encounter data access problem.
- For foreign companies, allow the skipping of setup of Capital and Member. The NN3 of foreign companies registered under Part XVI of Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) who skip the setup of Capital and Member will show NIL in all boxes of the Share Capital section in page 7.
- Bug Fix: the static member information was not generated for limited by guarantee companies.
Version --- {Release Date: 2 February 2019} ( Download )
- Add a Client Origin Distribution Report as a support to TCSP compliance.
- Update NR2 form to the version of specification 1/2019 which will be put into use with effect from the commencement of operation of the Companies (Amendment) (No. 2) Ordinance 2018 on 1 February 2019.
- Add printing of static organization structure information as of a date.
- Bug Fix: Address merge failed when merging 2 addresses would cause conflict.
- Bug Fix: TurboSecretary asked to close itself unexpectedly.
- Bug Fix: Printing NDR1 would crash when correspondence address of applicant was not set.
- Bug Fix: The English version of Bought and Sold note has wording mistake.
Version --- {Release Date: 7 January 2019} ( Download )
- Implement a Client Relationship Management (CRM) module
- Implement new authorization mechanism
- For a natural person, the only non-HK Id supported previously was PRC ID. In this version, non-HK Id support is extended to all countries
- Add additional clause to the share transfer declaration to IRD
- Add a selection to the AGM agenda regarding Auditors: "No Appointment of Auditor"
- Expand the field size of signer and secondary contact in the memo sender profile
- Update the paragraph of "LOCATION OF BOOKS, RECORDS AND UNDERLYING DOCUMENTATION" in the first director minutes of BVI Shelf company
- Add a "Black List" to exclude unwanted company from showing up in Annual Return List
- Add "Exclusion List" to TurboSecretary Company List
- Add "Privileged Client List" to control what companies a user can or cannot see.
- Bug fix: program crashes when printing certificates for jurisidictions other than Hong Kong, BVI and Cayman
- Bug fix: the annual return list showing dates (incorp date, anniversary date, due date) with mixed format (ie d/M/yyyy or M/d/yyyy)
- Bug fix: 審計司 was amended to 審計師 in generated documents such as Annual General Meeting minutes
- Bug fix: SCR registers crashes when loading some data of old format.
- Bug fix: Printing Chinese AOA with custom template, the total share capital is printed as: eg 港元 2 instead of 2 港元
Version --- {Release Date: 2 September 2018} ( Download )
- Update the IRD Form "IRC3111A" to version (10/2017).
- Add information of # of share and the share class name of shares being transferred in the declaration letter to IRD for share transfer.
- Bug Fix: some share transfer documents do not have share class name translated properly during printing Chinese versions.
Version --- {Release Date: 7 August 2018} ( Download )
- In printing NAR1, the related document wizard now allows a maximum 100 characters of input for charge amount or charge description.
- In the NAR1 document wizard, highlight the warning message about compliance of company secretary correspondence address requirement
Add support to company emails
- General email (for Hong Kong companies, this email will be reported in NAR1)
- Email for contact in the business place of Hong Kong(for foreign companies registered in Hong Kong, this email will be reported in NN3)
- Email for contact in the place of incorporation(for foreign companies registered in Hong Kong, this email will be reported in NN3)
- Bug Fix: In the Chinese version of the confirmation letter to Significant Controller, Hong Kong identity number was stated as "身份證號碼"; now changed to "香港身份證號碼"
- Bug Fix: Special Resolution for appointment of directors, resolution passing date was printed as 01 January, 0001 when the date is unknown; now changed to a blank string
Version --- {Release Date: 2 July 2018} ( Download )
- Add a global setting for user to define default register types
- For custom incorporation of Hong Kong limited by shares company, user can now choose self-defined templates when printing AOA
- Add an adhoc printing for address records
- Now support printing of email address in page 2 (Box 7) of NAR1
- Now support company secretary with prc id as identification and has the information printed in NNC1, NNC1G and NAR1
- When printing address in CR form, the country part will be excluded as it will be reported separately in a country/region box
- Allow update of company number in company profile
- Bug fixed: When printing address in CR form, some addresses are wrapped in one line, not being splitted properly.
Version --- {Release Date: 29 May 2018} ( Download )
- Add 2 legal form types, respectively "listed company" and "limited partnership", for Significant Controllers who are corporates.
Add 3 more nature of controls for Significant Controllers
- The person holds, directly and indirectly, more than 25% of the issued shares in the company
- The person holds, directly , more than 25% of the issued shares in the company
- The person holds, indirectly, more than 25% of the issued shares in the company
- Add minutes and CR form for reporting the location of SCR
- Allow company to define what registers are applicable to the company
- Add a global setting for user to choose printing address in capital letter
- Allow full-edit of country information
- Add printing of ad-hoc share subscription application
- Add a user setting for enabling or disabling "Job Monitor"
- Bug Fix: prc id was not printed out in the SC confirmation notice for SC who uses prc id for identity
- Bug Fix: the "List of companies with incomplete share registers" included companies whose share registers were actually up to date
Version --- {Release Date: 9 May 2018} ( Download )
Discontinue the printing of obsolete documents
Version --- {Release Date: 11 April 2018} ( Download )
Fixed some typos in generated SCR documents such as the SCR Register
Make SCR dialogs more responsive to change in a screen's display scale
Version --- {Release Date: 4 April 2018} ( Download )
Fixed bug: selection of SCR candidates failed when a company or if available, its legal entity members, does not have any company secretary.
Version --- {Release Date: 27 March 2018} ( Download )
Add support to PRCID as identification document for registrable significant controller who is a person
Add support of Chinese version of SCR
Add the function of setting entry number of significant controller and designated representative
Add the function of enabling / disabling printing of a significant controller or designated representative record in the SCR and the confirmation letter to director
Add the function of deleting significant controller and designated representative entries
Fixed bug: passport number is not shown in SCR for registrable significant controller (person) who use passport as identification document
Version --- {Release Date: 21 March 2018} ( Download )
Fix a bug in the Wizard of Significant Controllers Register which fails to create significant controller or designated representative entry if the register has never been initialized.
Amended the wordings in the print-out of Significant Controllers Register
Version --- {Release Date: 20 March 2018} ( Download )
- Enhancements in the Wizard of Significant Controllers Register
- Allow more spacing for viewing significant controllers, designated representatives and additional matters
- Allow editing and duplicating history entry of significant controller and designated representative
- Add printing of confirmation notice for designated representative
- Add printing of information in the Significant Controllers Register for confrimation by director of a company
- Add Chinese version of additional matters
- Fix a bug in the selection of candidates from internal source for significant controller and designated representative, occuring for companies with limited entities as members
Version --- {Release Date: 15 March 2018} ( Download )
- Per the new requirements of Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 2018, support to Significant Controller Registers (SCR) is added for companies incorporated in Hong Kong. With the new support, user can prepare a SCR, print the SCR and print basic confirmation notice for identified significant controller. There is an added Significant Controller Registers status viewer to monitor companies that are required to prepare a SCR
- As required by Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 2018, printing of NR2 now adopts the version of specification 1/2018
- Enhancements are made to the Address Post Viewer and Entity Post Viewer to capture supplemented information from the SCR.
- To avoid confusion, dates in all all annual return list are now printed in the format of: (eg) 22 Nov 2017
- An option was added to include registered office address of companies in printing annual return list
Version --- {Release Date: 22 November 2017} ( Download )
- To avoid confusion, dates in all statutory registers are now printed in the format of: (eg) 22 Nov 2017
- In the setup of share transfer task, the program will ensure that there is only one transfer task per transferor. And the transferor can still have multiple transfer-out entries in that one task.
- To comply with the requirement of Hong Kong Companies Registry, the form NNC2 will display "Nil" or "(無)" instead of leaving it blank at the name box(es) where name is empty.
Version --- {Release Date: 6 March 2017} ( Download )
- For Hong Kong and Samoa shelf-company-incorporation, in their respective document wizards, add printing of Instrument of Transfer; and Bought And Sold note. Reason: allow both documents to be sent to client for signature when in a rush; the company secretary can bring these documents together with the one from the seller of the shelf company to IRD for stamp duty
- For Samoa shelf-company-incorporation, in its document wizards, add printing of Endorsement Minutes For Corporate Member due to share transfer
- For TurboSecretary-Ready companies, enable the edit of finacial year end's month and day fields
- Make financial year-end Month and Day mandatory for Hong Kong Limited by guarantee companies
- Split the current annual return list into two: one for Hong Kong Limited by Shares companies and another for Hong Kong Limited by Guarantee companies
- Add search of TurboSecretary-supported companies options: (1) by Under Incorporation (Taylor Made); (2) by Under Incorporation (Shelf); (3) by Under Setup; (4) by Fully TurboSecretary Ready
- When choosing to remove a TurboSecretary company, automatically delete the company's entries in the JobLog. From now on, user does not need to purge these entries manually before removing the company.
- Several bugs originated from the identification of limited by guarantee companies are fixed
- A bug which will crash the document module for share allotment task without allotment date is fixed.
Version --- {Release Date: 19 January 2017} ( Download )
- Add printing of event history in the Event History By Period wizard
- Support new task - adding new share class for Hong Kong limited by shares company under Cap. 622
- Add facility to update attached rights of share classes
- Add detail of Attached Rights in the Capital Tree of Organisation Explorer
Version --- {Release Date: 15 June 2016} ( Download )
- Add support to "Capital Decrease" task, only available to limtied companies not incoporated in Hong Kong
- Add a column "nationality" to the Country List, which is editable
- Allow access to the Country List from the "List Maintenance" menu
- Add support to "Becoming Dormant" task, only available to limtied companies incoporated in Hong Kong
- Add support to "Ceasing To Be Dormant" task, only available to limtied companies incoporated in Hong Kong
- Add option of hiding particular-change-log in the printing of register of director / secretary / member
- Add reminder to user when member or capital events are reversed, telling them to review the Register of Share Certificate which may have been affected
Version --- {Release Date: 18 April 2016} ( Download )
- Per the change in BVI's statutory requirement, 4 new particulars are added for person shareholder, director, secretary, authorized representative and registered agent. The new particulars are Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Nationality and Service Address. These fields are compulsory for BVI companies and optional for companies of other jurisdictions.
- Registers of Directors / Secretaries / Shareholders also incorporate the new fields mentioned in item 1.
- The minimum notice days for AGM, GM regarding ordinary resolution and GM regarding special resolutions are now configurable.
- For change of company business name, user can now set the new business name to blank, ie no business name.
- For Part 16 company, user now have the printing option for IRC3111A.
Version --- {Release Date: 25 September 2015} ( Download )
- Add Voluntary / Compulsory Winding-up task
- Add "Change Of Corporate Business Name" task
- Add Change of Branch Name task
Version --- {Release Date: 26 August 2015} ( Download )
- Bug Fix: The share-certificate-setter corrupts certain posted member events
Version --- {Release Date: 21 August 2015} ( Download )
- For Hong Kong companies, share allotment with zero consideration will have to be confirmed.
- Effective date of share allotment, incorporation date of Hong Kong shelf and custom-made companies are checked with reference to the applicable companies ordinances.
- For backward compatibility, for Hong Kong companies, add pre-Cap.622 share allotment task
- For backward compatibility, for Hong Kong companies, add pre-Cap.622 increase-of-capital task
- For backward compatibility, for Hong Kong companies, add pre-Cap.622 capital-alteration task
- For backward compatibility, for Hong Kong companies, add pre-Cap.622 add-new-share-class task
- For backward compatibility, for Hong Kong companies, add pre-Cap.622 reclassification-of-issued-shares task
- For backward compatibility, for Hong Kong companies, add pre-Cap.622 capital-structure-reclassification task
- In Event-History-By-Category and in Event-History-By-Period, add a button to show or hide reversed events
- Provide Key Info by right-clicking a record in
- TurboSecretary-supported-company list
- Entity-List (limited company)
- Entity-List (unlimited company)
- Entity-List (person)
- add an abnormal data finder to locate possible data that is not consistent to the format required by the applicable companies ordinance.
Version --- {Release Date: 20 July 2015} ( Download )
- Bring back the "Reserved Address" button to the Address List dialog.
- For Hong Kong custom-made company or Hong Kong shelf company, users can now decide whether to print business commencement date when printing the form of IRBR200 (notice of commencement of business).
- For Hong Kong shelf company, when printing the form of IRBR 200 (notice of commencement of business), the system will use the address in the "change of registered office" event to fill the business address.
- Add the option of printing the form of IRC3111A (change of business address) in the document wizard for Hong Kong shelf company.
- In all CR forms, auto-adjust the font size of the presentor name field so as to make it fit in one line.
Version --- {Release Date: 8 June 2015} ( Download )
- In setting up task to resign director / secretary, one more resignation reason (removal) is added in addition to the original ones (resignation, deceased)
- In appointment or removal of regular / alternate director, a full minute set is now supported, ie: Director Minutes, Notice of Shareholder Meeting, Shareholder's consent to short notice, EGM minutes and special resolution.
- A company status filter is added to the Address Usage Viewer
- A company status filter is added to the Entity Posts Viewer
- In Address Usage Viewer, add an option to print pure company name column only
- Branch viewer is enhanced to produce a view of branches for a specified date.
- Support a new task: Change address of LTD Branch. Two documents are supported for this task. They are Director Minutes and IRC3111A respectively.
- The IRD Form, IRC3111A, is revised to version (08/2014).
- Fixed problem: In the task explorer and company task manager, the control buttons in the form were not enabled / disabled properly after a task is modified.
- Fixed problem: The English Director Minutes for Closing LTD Branch has wrong wordings in the resolution paragraph title. It said "Opening Branch" instead of "Closing Branch"
- Fixed problem: The Event-Explorer did not ask for confirmation during posting for events with preset future effective date.
- Fixed problem: In frm_IRC3113, the menu option of testing cell properties had been left enabled. It is disabled in this version.
Version --- {Release Date: 5 May 2015} ( Download )
- Fixed problem: the share certificate setter does not evaluate remaining share series and remaining share number properly in a share transfer the transferor of which has holding containing multi-share-series.
- The event-linking feature in the share certificate setter is disabled to prevent share series reference problem.
- Added "Strict Search" to the list of limited company, unlimited company, and person
- Added "Strict Search" to the list of TurboSecretary Company
- Added "Strict Search" to the list of Address
- The "Reserved Address" button in the list of Address was removed.
- Fixed problem: In NAR1 printing, if user choose not to print document date,
the system may incorrectly issue the error "The document date is before the annual return's anniversary date."
Version (sv001) --- {Release Date: 1 April 2015} ( Download )
- Remove the words "Hong Kong" from a Hong Kong address when it is being printed in the new CR forms (ie forms for Cap.622)
- User can now see the final address as they type when they add or edit an address.
Change of Wordings in the chinese non-CR version of AOA
Original Article 5's wordings:
Updated Article 5's wordings:
公司 (章程細則範本)公告(第622H章)附表2內的私人股份有限公司章程細則範文(樣本B)規則適用於本公司,惟本章程細則明確排除及與本章程細則所載細則不符的該等規則,則屬例外。具體上,而在不以任何方式限制前文的一般性原則下,第11、12、16、17、21、22、23、26、33、39、41、53、56、63、64及81條並不適用或應如下文所示得以修改。
For companies which do not have a clause in there AOA for written director/member resolutions, users in the past were forced to enter a dummy text to pass the printing dialog.
Now users can choose not to provide the clause number. Instead, they can choose to print the relevant law section number in the minutes heading. And new facility is also
provided for entering relevant law section information of various jurisdiction into the system.
Minutes for regular meeting used to include the word "At Noon" in the heading. Now users, via a simple setting, can hide or show this wording when printing minutes for regular meeting.
A signature section for the beneficial owner is added to the document of "Declaration of Trust"
The NDR1 setting is now moved into the database for stable persistence.
Add Search criteria in "Opening TurboSecretary Company" ------ Search Limited By Guarantee companies
Fix the description in a share certificate of a Hong Kong limited company:
- to say "in accordance with Memorandum and Articles of the Company" when the issue date is before 2014-3-3
- to say "in accordance with Articles of the Company" when the issue date is on and after 2014-3-3
Version (sv011)
Fix an allotment posting problem in Hong Kong companies caused by the change from having authorised share limit to no authorised share limit.
Version (sv010)
Change of Wordings in the english non-CR version of AOA
Original Article 5's wordings:
The regulations in the Model articles (Sample B) for private companies limited by shares in Schedule 2 to the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622) shall apply to the Company save in so far as they are hereby specifically excluded or are inconsistent with the Articles herein contained. In particular, but without in any way limiting the generality of the foregoing, Articles 11, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 26, 33, 39, 41, 53, 56, 63, 64 and 81 shall not apply or are modified as hereinafter appearing.
Updated Article 5's wordings:
The regulations in the Model articles (Sample B) for private companies limited by shares in Schedule 2 of the Companies (Model Articles) Notice (Chapter 622H) shall apply to the Company save in so far as they are hereby specifically excluded or are inconsistent with the Articles herein contained. In particular, but without in any way limiting the generality of the foregoing, Articles 11, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 26, 33, 39, 41, 53, 56, 63, 64 and 81 shall not apply or are modified as hereinafter appearing.
Fix this problem:
In the printing of AOA after a company is successfully registered, the name of the Companies Registrar was not printed out.
Version (sv009)
Put NDR1 options into a shared Application Settings file (xml format), allow users to use and edit default NDR1 options
Update the IRD form IRC3113 to version (1/2013), but this form is removed from deregistration document wizard as not necessary due to CR will notify IRD
Add task to restore a company which had been struck off. Note, this is only available to BVI company.
Version (sv008)
Incorporate the new capital regime introduced by the new Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) into the calculation of capital of Hong Kong companies.
Add "due date info" at the bottom of the first page of NAR1, next to "reference"
Version (sv007)
Part XI renamed to Part 16
Registration of Foreign Company under Part 16
- Director minutes pursuant to Section 776(4) of the new CO
- NN1 (to replace N1)
- NN3 (to replace N3)
- Incorporation task of limited by guarantee companies and associated documents are now pursuant to the new Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622)
- NNC1G (to replace NC1G)
For HK companies, following features were disabled:
- Increase of Capital
- Change of PAR value
- Add a new class of share
- Reclassification of Issued Shares
- Reclassification of Capital Structure
- Users can now change particulars of members
- Users can now change particulars of Registered Agent
Version (sv006)
Update documents for the change of name of Hong Kong companies due to the new Companies Ordinance (Cap.622) (ie: NNC2 and other related documents)
Update documents for the change of name of overseas companies registered under Part 16 of the new Companies Ordinance (Cap.622) (ie: NN10 and other related documents)
- Allow multiple first directors during the registration of Hong Kong shelf company
Version (sv005)
Documents for deregistration of Hong Kong companies are enhanced pursuant to the requirement of the new Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622)
Add task to Nominate/Cease Reserve Director pursuant to new CO (Cap. 622)
Add task to change particulars of reserve director
Add task for appointment / resignation of authorized representative
Add task to change particulars of authorized representative
Add task for appointment / resignation of director/secretary of Part 16 companies
Add task for changing particulars of director/secretary of Part 16 companies
Add task for change of RO at Incorp Place / Business Place at Incorp Place / Business Place at Hong Kong for Part 16 companies
Add task to cease Hong Kong Business Place of Part 16 companies
NDR1 (to replace DR1)
IRD form IR1263 is upgraded to version (3/2014)
ND4 (to replace D4)
ND5 (to replace D5 and D6)
ND7 (to replace D7)
ND8 (to replace D8)
NN2 (to replaced of N2)
New form: NN8
New form: NN8C
New form: NN6
New form: NN7
New form: NN9
New form: NN13
Version (sv004)
Fix the date format problem caused by platform upgrade
In the share transfer dialog, remove the "Price = PAR" for Hong Kong companies
Disable the task for post-incorporation share allotment of Shelf Company
The registration of Hong Kong shelf company is now pursuant to the new Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622)
NR1 (to replace R1)
NR2 (to replace R2)
Start capturing email information of director / secretary / shareholder / authorized representative / registered agent.
Fix the problem of showing Chinese month in English minutes
Version (sv003)
Add warning to user during the printing of Annual Return of Hong Kong companies when secretary's address is not the same as the registered offfice address of the company
- Fix the problem in printing excel file under Excel 2013
Capital information of Hong kong companies' share certificate is changed according to the new Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622 )
Support NAR1 for Hong Kong limited by guarantee companies
ND2B (to replace D2B)
Partciular Change for Director / Secretary now supports: change of previous name and alias (both and chinese)
In schedule 1 of NAR1, shareholder name (english & chinese) will be printed regardless of the language option
ND2A (to replace D2A)